1·So, see not hard, this kind of behavior inputs evade taxes!
2·Taxpayers do not differ from each other with respect to the rate of taxation that will cause them to evade taxes.
3·But most online businesses will not be able to evade taxes as long as online trading platform operators cooperate with taxation authorities.
4·Tax leakage is real. Some of it is clearly illegal—such as when a businessman salts away money abroad to evade taxes—and deserves to be punished.
5·UBS brought in a new CEO to clean house but is still struggling with the legacy of huge credit-crunch losses and Revelations it helped U.S. clients evade taxes.
6·So it necessary to try to set up tax-collecting model, to analyze the impact of tax-collecting environment on evading taxes activity and to take measures to evade taxes.
7·Sometimes they wonder why. Their competitors evade taxes (one trick is to put individual eateries in the names of friends and relatives to qualify for small-business tax breaks).
8·Even Chinese mobile phone producers are losing market share to underground companies, which have a built-in cost advantage because they evade taxes, regulatory fees and safety checks.
9·German prosecutors staged raids on more than a dozen credit suisse offices yesterday in connection with an inquiry into whether employees of the Swiss bank helped clients to evade taxes.
德国检方昨日对瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse) 13个办事处进行搜查,检方正在调查这家瑞士银行的员工是否帮助客户逃税。
10·In our country the enterprises conducting the transactions do not only aim to evade taxes, but more of them seek for an illegal interest by controlling profits through these transactions.